The Problem with Organized Religion

By Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA Many people today disparage “organized religion.” Instead, they simply desire a “personal relationship” with the Lord. However, this is not an “either-or” proposition. In our service to God, we have personal and corporate responsibilities. Notice what Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus: “And He gave some as apostles, and some

How To Judge A Sermon

By Pat Donahue | Alabama, USA It is a common practice after a worship assembly for people to discuss the merits of the sermon just delivered.  Many times there is agreement about whether the lesson was a good one, but every now and then there is disagreement.  It seems people judge a sermon based upon

Can you explain I John 5:16?

Question Afternoon bro Lesley. Hopefully you are doing well today. Please what is your take on 1 John 5:16? I want a good explanation on the asking if a brother commits sin. Is the asking from the brother or asking in prayer for him who saw him committing the sin? Or is the asking applicable both

Hats, Hair and Harridans

Brent Sharp | Arkansas, USA Suppose you showed up for worship services one morning and discovered that your preacher was going to deliver his sermon while wearing a ball cap with the logo for his favorite football team, or automobile company, or some such on his head. Would you care? Suppose another of your members,

A Custom, Not A Command

By William J. Stewart | Ontario, Canada The apostle Paul’s message in 1 Corinthians 11 concerning head coverings has been variably interpreted by our brethren. Folks differ on what the covering is, on when the covering is to be worn, and on whether it is binding today or not. Herein I affirm the wearing of

Possess Your Vessel

Mike Thomas | Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA The Thessalonians were surrounded by immorality and ungodly influences, but those who became Christians “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” (1 Thessalonians 1:9). In encouraging them to fulfill this commitment, Paul reminded them of the need to avoid the sexual immorality that

How a Husband Builds a Godly Home

By Glen Young Have you ever heard these expressions: “The little woman,” “The old ball and chain”? Have you ever used one of these expressions? I would hope that husbands think more highly of their wives than to be guilty of such inconsiderate remarks. Now, this brings me to a discussion of how husbands can

How a Wife Builds a Godly Home

By Glen Young Several years ago in a discussion about the home, I made the point that the wife should never put her children before her husband. Needless to say, this created quite a stir. I thought for a moment that some of my sisters were about to resurrect the old custom of tarring and

Mothers: The Heart Of The Family

By Gene Taylor Nations rise and fall, empires prosper or crumble and men are stirred to great accomplishments or driven to shameful failure often because of the influence of a wife or mother. The wise poet has properly said, “The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world.” For most women,

Is Faith Blind?

By Emmanuel Oluwatoba | Niger, Nigeria Introduction Faith is very essential to Christianity, and many assume the Christian faith to be blind.  This assumption is not only propounded by atheists (who seek to discredit the faith on that ground) but also by some professing Christians who believe that “true faith” is believing something despite the