Is Baptism Essential to Salvation?

By B.C. Carr Our assignment is to show from the Bible that baptism is essential or necessary to salvation. By essential, we mean that it is so necessary that a responsible person cannot be saved without it. By salvation, we mean that one cannot be saved or pardoned from his past sins, hence, justified in

National Association Of Gospel Ministers: How Scriptural?

Osamagbe Lesley EGHAREVBA | Lagos, Nigeria On August 1st, 2022, a letter was in circulation among brethren in Nigeria, inviting preachers in the churches of Christ in Nigeria to the 12th Annual National Conference of the Church of Christ – Nigeria National Association of Gospel Ministers. It was stated in the letter that the conference would

Does God still call people today?

By Emmanuel Oluwatoba | Niger, Nigeria Throughout the Bible, God called people to carry out his will. He called Samuel (1 Sam. 3:4-10), Jeremiah (Jer. 1:4-8) and many other persons through different means and for different purposes. Today, many “religious leaders” have one thing in common and that is the claim to have been called

What Is That Which Is Perfect In I Corinthians 13:10?

By Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba Introduction Many people today claim that they have miraculous power to perform miracles. But from I Corinthians 13:8-10, we can see that: Since these miraculous gifts will come to an end “when that which is perfect has come,” It is important to know what exactly is that which is perfect especially

Weddings and Funerals — A Review

by Ralph D. Williams Brother Weldon Warnock raised some good questions in his article, “Weddings and funerals in the meetinghouse,” in the Feb. 1973 issue. It seems more brethren are becoming concerned over these practices lately. Searching the Scriptures is to be commended for allowing the question to be searched openly. It appears that three

Weddings and Funerals in the Meetinghouse

by Weldon E. Warnock A feeling has arisen in the minds of somegood brethren that the meetinghouse may not be used for weddings or funerals. They are saying that the church building was erected with the Lord’s money, and, therefore, it may only be used for authorized church functions. This position, as I see it,

The Development of Papal Power

By Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA The pope is arguably the most influential religious figure in the world today. Yet there was a time when the one who occupied this office was even more powerful than the current pope. He would not only be the highest-ranking member of the Roman Catholic Church, but he would