Response to William Stewart’s Second Article

Brent Sharp | Shannon Hills, Arkansas, USA In his second article Brother Stewart spends his first three paragraphs discussing the holy kiss and foot washing, emphasizes that both those were customs of a certain time and place, and apparently draws the conclusion this proves Paul’s instructions in I Corinthians 11:2-16 are likewise only local customs

Response to Brent Sharp’s Second Article

William Stewart | Kingston, Ontario, Canada Our brother is adamant that prior to the 20th century, nowhere in all of “Christendom” (in fact, he said “in the entire universe”) was there any interpretation on Paul’s instruction in 1 Corinthians 11 except that women should have long hair and be covered in worship and men should

The Union of Church and State

By Andy Sochor In our previous article, we discussed the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. This was a gathering of church leaders from across the Roman Empire who came together to discuss various issues that were affecting the church at that time. This first ecumenical council was called by Constantine, who ruled as emperor