YouTube Videos

The following are links to various Bible discussions conducted by Osamagbe Lesley Egharevba and uploaded to YouTube. Please click on any topic of interest to watch the video.

  1. Why I Left The Anglican Church: Q&A Session With Joko Oshikanlu | Ibadan, Nigeria
  2. Why I Left The Christ Apostolic Church: Q&A Session With Ezekiel Dele Akinbowale | Ibadan, Nigeria
  3. Should We Say “Jesus” Or “Yeshua”? Q&A Session With Tommy Thrasher | Alabama, USA
  4. Deuteronomy 18:18: Jesus Or Mohammed? Q&A Session With William Stewart | Ontario, Canada
  5. Preterism And The Second Coming Of Christ: Q&A Session With Kevin Kay | Indiana, USA
  6. What Is The Meaning of Unmasking Sophistry?
  7. Why I Left The Roman Catholic Church: Q&A Session With Micheal Foy | California, USA
  8. Pre-Marital Sex – Interview Session With Jeff Hamilton | Nebraska, USA
  9. Evangelism & Social Media – Interview Session With Andy Sochor
  10. Was Jesus Made God At The Council Of Nicea? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  11. Can/Should Christians Vote During Elections? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  12. Hebrews 13:2: Can We Entertain Angels Today? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  13. Jesus Did Not Come To Destroy The Law! Interview Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  14. How Do We Know The Bible Is Accurate? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  15. How To Establish Scriptural Authority: Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  16. How Does God Speak To Us Today? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  17. Limited Atonement: Did Jesus Die For The Elect Or For The Whole World? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  18. What Does The Bible Say About The Prosperity Gospel? Interview Session With Joel Williams | Eshowe, South Africa
  19. The Organization Of The New Testament Church Versus Denominational Churches: Q&A Session With Joel Williams | Eshowe, South Africa
  20. Was There A Church Before The Roman Catholic Church? Q&A Session With Joel Williams | Eshowe, South Africa
  21. The Sanctity of Life (Examining Abortion) – Interview Session With Carleton Brent Hunter | Washington, USA
  22. Modern Day Apostles – Interview Session With Jeremy Diestelkamp | Toronto, Canada
  23. Could Jesus Be God If He Was Created? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  24. Is Jesus God Or Was He Created? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  25. Modern-Day Speaking In Tongues: Is It A Second Cousin To The New Testament Examples? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  26. What Is God’s Kingdom & Has God’s Kingdom Come? Q&A Session With Tommy Thrasher | Alabama, USA
  27. Was Peter The First Pope? Q&A Session With Tommy Thrasher | Alabama, USA
  28. At What Point Is One Saved? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  29. What Is Wrong With Instrumental Music In Christian Worship? Q&A Session With Tommy Thrasher | Alabama, USA
  30. Is Once Saved Always Saved? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  31. Infant Baptism: Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  32. Is Baptism Necessary To Salvation? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  33. Is Debating Scriptural? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  34. What Is The Source Of Authority For Christians Today? Q&A Session With Andy Sochor | Kentucky, USA
  35. Should Christians Keep The Sabbath? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  36. Is Alexander Campbell The Founder Of The church Of Christ? Q&A Session With Henry Stevenson III and Javier Frias | Texas, USA
  37. Why Are There So Many Churches? Q&A Session With Alaric Green | Tennessee, USA
  38. True Worship: Q&A Session With Javier Frias | Texas, USA
  39. Why I Left The White Horse Army: Q&A Session With Alaric Green | Tennessee, USA
  40. Are There Saved People In The Denominations? Q&A Session With Henry Stevenson III | Texas, USA
  41. What Should The Baptizer Say While Baptizing An Individual? Q&A Session With Patrick Donahue | Alabama, USA
  42. Dissolving A Few Oneness Pentecostal Aspirins (Part 1)
  43. Dissolving A Few Oneness Pentecostal Aspirins (Part 2): A Response To Jason Weatherly
  44. Refuting Some Jehovah’s Witnesses In The Lord’s Church
  45. Creation Worship Is Sinful! – Refuting Some Jehovah’s Witnesses In The Lord’s Church (Part 2)
  46. Failed Prophesy About Nigeria 2023 General Elections
  47. What is “that which is perfect in I Corinthians 13:10?
  48. Debate: Has Jesus Returned For The Final Time?
  49. The Way Of Man – Gospel Lecturship 2022
  50. Does Psalm 51:5 Teach That Babies Inherit Sins From Their Parents?
  51. Does Acts 2:38 Really Teach That Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation?
  52. Does Mark 16:16 Really Teach That Baptism Is Necessary For Salvation?
  53. That Angel May Have Lied To You
  54. Perseverance Of The Saints
  55. 3 Reasons Why I Don’t Like Denominations
  56. The Sign of Jonah & Christ’s Resurrection
  57. Are You Sure The Thief On The Cross Was Not Baptized?
  58. Who Are The 144,000 Mentioned In The Book Of Revelation?
  59. Is Baptism Essential To Salvation?
  60. How To Identify The One True Church
  61. Does The Church Really Matter?
  62. Why Deny That Jesus Christ Is The Son Of God?
  63. Jesus And The Father Are ONE!
  64. Matthew 28:19 And The Triune God
  65. What Must I Do To Be Saved?
  66. Why Can’t I Baptize My Baby?
  67. Why Not Tear Off The Old Testament?
  68. Should My Enemy Be Part Of My Prayer Request?
  69. Will All Good People Be Saved?
  70. Are We Saved By Faith Only?
  71. Why We Should Worship God Rightly
  72. Practical Christianity: Living Messages From The Book Of James
  73. How Can A Person Work Righteousness?
  74. A Study of Amos Chapter 4

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