Alcoholic Drinking: What Level Are You?

By Rowland Femi Gbamis | Ontario, Canada

We read in 1 Peter 4:2-3: “That he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but for the will of God.For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries.”

Peter uses three phrases in connection with drinking liquor: excess of wine, revellings and banquetings. Thus, after careful study of our text, I do not think the Holy Spirit deliberately uses words carelessly in delineating the phrases concerning liquor drinking.

Excess of wine (Gk. οἰνοφλυγίαις, oinophlygiais: wine-drinking, drunkenness)[1] is describing those who have drunk so much that they are throwing up-just spilt out drink. The truth is, everyone knows the description above is wrong and are quick to condemn such behaviour.

However, there is a fellow that is guilty of reveling (Gk. κώμοις,kōmois, revels, orgies)[2].He is the fellow that is half looped, usually loud and boisterous.

Lastly, you have the one described as banqueting (Gk. πότοις,potois, drinking, carousing)[3]. The English Standard Version (ESV) translates it as “drinking parties.”Yes. That is the person that is just “drinking a few”, a Christian “social drinker.” The one who believes there is nothing wrong with serving assorted beers at his/her naming and marriage ceremonies, nor is anything inappropriate to entertain guests with alcoholic drinks in their homes and offices.

Remarkably, in all the three categories of alcoholic drinking, Apostle Peter says it is part of doing the will of the Gentiles. As children of God, we should want no part of the sinful lifestyles enumerated in our text. Our desire should be to spend our time doing God’s will. If you are one of those who have wasted enough of your life serving the flesh, you need and must devote the remainder of it doing the Lord’s will in faithful obedience to his Word.

[1]1 Peter 4:3 Greek Text Analysis (

[2] ibid

[3] ibid

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