Why I Want To Marry A Christian

By Ward Plato Living a life that is pleasing to God in this day and age is becoming increasingly difficult. Look at all the things that Satan and his army bombard us with on a daily basis. Sexual immorality, drunkenness, obscene music, movies, books, and television shows; not to mention immodest dress and the various

Pleasing God In The Home

By Samuel Matthews | Oregon, USA The King James Version of God’s Holy Word, the Bible, says, “Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127:1). Loved ones, there is a challenge that goes back thousands of

The Importance Of A Christian Mother In The Home

By Victor M. Eskew The home of a Christian mother is filled with love, compassion, comfort, encouragement, forgiveness, and tranquility. The societal influences in the US have taught a different picture of the home than the one presented in the pages of God’s Word. Two people no longer have to get married. If they do

How a Husband Builds a Godly Home

By Glen Young Have you ever heard these expressions: “The little woman,” “The old ball and chain”? Have you ever used one of these expressions? I would hope that husbands think more highly of their wives than to be guilty of such inconsiderate remarks. Now, this brings me to a discussion of how husbands can

How a Wife Builds a Godly Home

By Glen Young Several years ago in a discussion about the home, I made the point that the wife should never put her children before her husband. Needless to say, this created quite a stir. I thought for a moment that some of my sisters were about to resurrect the old custom of tarring and

Mothers: The Heart Of The Family

By Gene Taylor Nations rise and fall, empires prosper or crumble and men are stirred to great accomplishments or driven to shameful failure often because of the influence of a wife or mother. The wise poet has properly said, “The hand that rocks the cradle, is the hand that rules the world.” For most women,